Full Circle

 This is a picture I took in March 2020:

As everyone remembers, this was the scene in what seemed to be every toilet paper aisle the world over. 

Now here we are in March 2022. It's been a while since I've had trouble finding toilet paper. But I recently went to Shoppers Drug Mart and came across this in, of all places, the chip aisle:

No Ruffles BBQ for me. Seriously, WTF?!

Well, in case you didn't know. Frito-Lay not only owns Frito and Lay's chips, but also Ruffles, Doritos, Cheetos, and Tostitos. They are currently having a pricing dispute with Loblaws, owner of not only Loblaws and Superstore but also Independent, No Frills, Dominion, Zehrs, Valu-Mart, and many other chains including (you guessed it) Shoppers Drug Mart. 

Yep, Frito and Loblaws took over the world (ok, maybe just Canada) while no one was looking, and now they're fighting. So I have to decided whether to go to another store (there are still a few) for my Ruffles, or buy No Name or PC brand chips. Life is such a struggle sometimes.

There is good news too, though. 

March Break just ended, and Kiddo went back to school today. This may not seem newsworthy but, around the same time I took that 2020 photo above, it was announced that schools would be closed for two weeks following March Break. Two weeks which turned into the rest of the school year.

Then in March of 2021 March Break was postponed and became April Break. Which then marked then end of that school year. I mean, there was "remote learning" but, um, remote Kindergarten? Really? See my feelings on that here and here.

Kiddo was a little surprised to learn that March Break is traditionally only one week long. Going back to school in the spring is a new experience for him. But he took it in stride and seemed happy enough to go back. (Once I dragged him out of bed since it took him the whole week to notice there was a time change.) Now I'm trying to appreciate that he's in school and let go of the feeling another shoe is about to drop. (We'll see.) 


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